Imagine my surprise when I clicked on my blog and found that everything had been deleted. As in, farewell to every childhood memory my children have. Poof! Gone!
'this blog is no longer found...'
Thanks to a really nice google guy who listened through my hysterical crying, all is well and recovered and whew. What a relief. But hey, that original email I used to set this whole thing up? Does anyone remeber what it was? neither.
And yes, I gotta back this thing up sometime soon.
Summer came and went. We bought a pizza oven and learned that even though we own a pick-up truck, 1/12th of a cord of wood really does fit in a convertible.
Probably one of the tastiest summers ever.
Our dog became a real dog who barks and begs and nuzzles people under the table during parties in hopes of a scrap being tossed his way.
He's, well...annoyingly perfect.
We said goodbye to our Maggie cat. She had a stroke and it was terribly sad.
And oh, did we vacation.
There was Paso Robles for wine with friends. Some, like the guy in the gray shirt, became a friend over a couple of whatever it was we were partaking in.
My beautiful girlfriend turned 50 and we celebrated in the Eberle winery caves.
We tried Air bnb - and it was awesome! We'll totally be doing that again!
We went to San Francisco and stayed at The Palace and it felt so very grown-up and absolutely perfect.
We drank Irish Coffee's at the Buena Vista...yum!
We went to Florida (me for work and that guy that I like so much as a tag along) and then we did a 24 hour jaunt to Colorado, where we went to the most perfect wedding ever.
Like, how magical is this?
We said goodbye to not one car...
...but two.
(everyone is ok...thankfully, but neither had collision so were junked)
Boy #1 is still working in China and playing professionally for a lot of cool stuff, most of which can't be posted publicly quite yet.
That trumpet of his is making some pretty good sounds though.
All three of my houseful of boys were here for about 5 weeks this summer. It made my momma heart full and the fridge empty and the water bill high and the neighbors heard it all and I loved every minute of it.
This growing up and moving away thing? Not sure how I feel about it.
They took off on their own adventure because hellooooo, the Broncos were playing and Colorado was calling.
And then, Matthew returned to China. And this not so little guy headed to Dublin to study overseas because med students get real cadavers sooner than they do here.
He turned 20 and we toasted via face time.
And along with the med stuff, he made the American football team for his university - how fun is that?
(Even if the last time he played here, he broke his wrist and was told to not play again...but I'm trying to not think about that.)
The boy in the middle moved home and has taken his place as my favorite lunch partner....when he's not working all.the.time that is. I am loving that he's back for a bit...this house is WAY too quiet for me.
The garden was so pretty this summer...lots of parties and lots of pizzas and lots of great conversations.
This is our happy place.
And in random catch up stuff:
1. That guy that I like so much was called to serve at a new for us, very big, very in transition know, on top of his regular job. I text him his address a lot as a reminder that he still lives here but for reals, it has awakened something in both of us. God is shaking the ground there (in a really good way) and it completely feels like we are where we are supposed to be. But the hours he's working are long. And I miss him.
2. This book. It really made me think. Such a good story!
I've been not very much me the last few months. I'm worried for all sorts of things that I have absolutely no control over and am struggling to find the new 'normal'...the one where boys aren't just grown, but spread over THREE continents. The one where my boyfriend, who has been a church worker our whole entire marriage, is now busier than ever...and not just Christmas busy. I'm sad about the job I have always loved, and still do, but is a place fueled by others failures...and that goes against all that I know.
And so I stare at the below graph and will myself to chill out.

I can't even remember the time when I last laced up my shoes and hiked the trail. That place is so special to's my quiet place where I can talk out loud to God and sing and complain and sweat out some of these feelings. I just can't seem to make myself go...maybe tomorrow?